Installing MongoDB

PRACTICAL 5 -Working with Document Database MongoDB

·                               Select Community Server
Current Stable Release (3.6.2)
Version: Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit and later, with SSL support x64

Figure 1-download window

  • ·         In Windows Explorer, locate the downloaded MongoDB .msi file, which typically is located in the default Downloads folder. Double-click the .msi file. A set of screens will appear to guide you through the installation process 
Figure 2-install
  • ·         Follow the instruction on set-up window and click next

Figure 3-caption window

Figure 4-install window

  • ·         Create directories for your database and log files in C: drive By creating parent folder Data

  • Create a configuration file named mongod.cgf at :  and also place this file in c: folder
                      following are the content of mongod.cfg file 
           destination: file
           path: c:\data\log\mongod.log
           dbPath: c:\data\db

C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.6\mongod.cfg

Figure 5-create mongod.cfg file

  • ·         Create Variable path by opening system properties and then going to advance system settings and setting the path as

Figure 6-setting variable path

  • ·         Install the MongoDB service - Install the MongoDB service by starting exe with the --install option and the -config option to specify the previously created configuration file.

By pressing win+x open windows power shell (Admin) and type in as:
mongod --config C:\mongod.cfg --install
  • ·            Win+R -> Run->services.msc

Figure 7

  • ·         start MonmgoDB Service

Figure 8-starting mongodb service
  • ·         Now open the GUI and it will look like this: Click Connect

Figure 9-connecting

Figure 10-opened GUI


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