Case study of Library Management System

PRACTICAL 9: Case study of Library Management System

·         Existing Management system is not computerized. It takes a lot of time and effort to search book manually and issue them.
·         Files and ticket can be destroyed by human error or can be misplaced or can be lost by human error.
·         Space is consumed for document / receipt.
·         Unavailability of books on high Demand.
·         Student’s issue history if difficult to track.
·         Manual Cash collection of fine payment.
·         Record are easy to maintain using computerized system.
·         There are any types of report such as book detail member info,
·         Book issue, member info, book issue, book return and stock.
·         Information is easily update.
·         Saving time and lowest cost.
·         Reduce the paper work.
·         Easy to searching the record.
·         Due Date reminder.
·         It will help student or library administrator to access library easily.
·         To reduce people’s haphazard.
·         Searching process of a book becomes very easy.
·         Maintenance of these books becomes very easy.
·         To assure the information of the library such as book types, copy number of books, authors name, availability of particular book etc.
·         To make secured data storage of library information.
·         Manage the library as a systematic way.
·         Huge information can be stored.
An important aspect of modelling is its role as a communication tool in determining requirements. For users what they require, and is the current system satisfying their requirements. As we go through the project, we find out three types of user in this project. They are student, teacher & library supervisor. We visit them in different time to collect their requirements. Though all of the requirements are not same but we tried out to make an interface among their requirements.
·         At first, we get the requirement for the library website and then we analyse it.
·         After the analysed part is complete we can proceed to next phase which is design phase.
·         After that is construction phase. It is basically to start developing the website, with logic and coding.
Feasibility study is the preliminary investigation into the system to evaluate the possibility of a computer system and estimate costs and benefits where quality and time also involve. This is the most effective method of solution.
Feasibility and risk analysis are related in many ways. If project risk is great, the feasibility of producing quality software is reduced.
There are eight steps in feasibility study:
·         Form a project team and appoint a project leader.
·         Prepare system flow chart
·         Enumerate potential candidate system
·         Describe an identify characteristic of the candidate system
·         Determine and evaluate performance and cost effectiveness of candidate system
·         Weight system performance and cost data
·          Select the best candidate system
·         Prepare and report project directive to management

OS: Windows XP and Above
Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2008
Programming Language: JAVA/PHP
Processor: AMD phenom-2 * 4925 processor 2.81Ghz
RAM: 3.25 GB





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