Executing Selenium Script on chrome (opening and closing of browser)

 Executing Selenium Script on chrome (opening and closing of browser)
·         Download Chrome Drive
open http://www.seleniumhq.org/download/
Here you will get third party driver section and you can get all the external driver for different browsers.
In this module we are working on Microsoft edge and its web driver can be downloaded from: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/tools/webdriver/

Figure 1-download link of  Edge Driver

·         Here you will get the driver zip file which you can extract.

·         Set property in Environment Variables
§  Go to My Computer and Right click to get the context menu.
§  Click on the Change Settings on the opened window.

Figure 2-change settings

§  Go to Advance tab in the System Properties window and click on Environment Variables.

§  Now under the System variables, select Path and click on Edit.

Figure 3-edit path
§  At the end of the string use semicolon and paste the path of the Edge Driver.

·         Sample Program for Launch Edge Browser using Selenium Web driver is shown below:

Figure 4-sample code

·         The Browser opens as follows:

NOTE: Make sure before executing the script, the browser you want to open should be closed with all the tabs.


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