PRACTICAL 3: Draw the Use Case Diagram of any Desktop Application / Web Application using UML pad.

PRACTICAL 3: Draw the Use Case Diagram of any Desktop Application / Web Application using UML pad.
UML diagrams describe the boundary, structure, and the behavior of the system and the objects within it. One of the UML pad we are using in the following Practical experience is Umbrello developed by The Umbrello Team.
Having a good model of your software is the best way to communicate with other developers working on the project and with your customers. A good model is extremely important for medium and big-size projects, but it is also very useful for small ones. Even if you are working on a small one man project you will benefit from a good model because it will give you an overview that will help you code things right the first time.

UML is the diagramming language used to describing such models. You can represent your ideas in UML using different types of diagrams. Umbrello UML Modeller 2.11 supports the following types:
1.      Class Diagram
2.      Sequence Diagram
3.      Collaboration Diagram
4.      Use Case Diagram
5.      State Diagram
6.      Activity Diagram
7.      Component Diagram
8.      Deployment Diagram
9.      Entity Relationship Diagram
In this Practical module we will be doing hand on experience with use case diagrams.
What is Use Case Diagram?
1.      Describe the relationships and dependencies of (between a group of Use Cases and the Actors) participants in the process.
2.      Meant to facilitate the communication with the future users of the system, and with the customer
3.      Helpful to determine the required features the system is to have.
4.      Use Case Diagrams tell, what the system should do. (But do not -- and cannot -- specify how this is to be achieved.)
Use Case
A Use Case diagrams describes:
·         Point of view of the actors (a group of activities in a system that produces a concrete, tangible result.)
·         Interactions between the users of a system and the system itself.
·         Represent the external interface of the system and specify a form of requirements of what the system has to do.
·         Each Use Case is related to at least one actor, has an initiator (i.e. an actor) and leads to a relevant result.

A Use Case diagrams describes:
·         An external entity
·         Interaction with the system by participating (and often initiating) a Use Case.
·         Real life people (for example users of the system), other computer systems or external events.
·         Role of the user.

Drawing the Use Case Diagrams:
1.      Hotel Management

Figure 1-UML hotel management

2.      Online Shopping Portal

Figure 2-UML online shopping portal

3.      Credit Card Validation System

Figure 3- UML Credit card validation
4.      Online Airline Reservation

Figure 4- UML airline reservation

5. Online College Attendance System

6.  ATM

7. Salary Management System


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