Part 1: Spreadsheet Data Analysis and Data Visualization- Problem Statement

This assignment makes use of the following dataset.
  • Titanic
    • Download link: Titanic.csv
    • Description: Data on passengers of the RMS Titanic. Entries include the name, age, class, fare, gender, and whether or not the passenger survived
    • Notes:
      • A blank entry for age means that the age is unknown
Hint: If you're having trouble with VLOOKUP or any of the other functions you want to use, take a look at the documentation for Google Sheets.


Problem 1. Are there any characteristics shared by all passengers whose fare is 0?
Problem 2. How many married women over age 50 embarked in Cherbourg? (Married women are denoted by "Mrs.")
Problem 3. Which embarkation city had the highest-paying passengers on average?
Problem 4. What is the most common last name among passengers? What is the average number of passengers per last name?
Problem 5. What fraction of passengers are missing their age in the dataset? What fraction of males? What fraction of females? Find the answers using spreadsheet functions only - don't perform any arithmetic by hand!
Problem 6. Create a bar chart showing the average fare paid by passengers in each class. The three bars should be labeled "first", "second", "third".
Problem 7. Create a stacked bar chart showing the number of passengers in each class, divided into male and female (three bars). Then reverse roles and show the number of passengers of each gender, divided into class (two bars).
Problem 8. Create a pie chart showing the relative number of male survivors, male non-survivors, female survivors, and female non-survivors (four slices).
Problem 9. Let "youth" denote passengers whose age is under 18, "adult" denote passengers age 18-59, and "senior" denote passengers whose age is 60 and above. Create a pie chart with four slices showing the relative number of youth, adult, senior, and those whose age is unknown. Hint: consider using function =ifs().


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