CRUD SQL Operations with Python using SQLite
Operations with Python using SQLite
SQLite is a software library that
implements a self-contained, server less, zero-configuration, transactional SQL
database engine. SQLite is the most widely deployed SQL database engine in the
SQLite on Windows
Step 1 − Go to , and download precompiled binaries from Windows section.
Step 2 − Download
sqlite-shell-win32-*.zip and sqlite-dll-win32-*.zip zipped files.
Step 3 − Create a folder
C:\>sqlite and unzip above two zipped files in this folder, which will give
you sqlite3.def, sqlite3.dll and sqlite3.exe files.
Step 4 − Add C:\>sqlite in
your PATH environment variable and finally go to the command prompt and issue
sqlite3 command, which should display the following result.
Import the sqlite3 library.
Create a connection to the
database by giving name of the created or to create database.
Create a cursor object- Which
allows us to interact with database and other record.
Let’s build on this code and insert some data into our new table!
Figure 1-creating database
Values to it
Use the INSERT INTO SQL command to insert
a record into our database.
Save the record to the database, we have
to commit it.
We’re using question marks (?) instead of
string substitution (%s) to insert the values.
Figure 2-inserting multiple values
Use SQL’s UPDATE command to update out
albums table.
If you don’t commit the changes, then your
changes won’t be written out to the database.
Figure 3-updating record
Figure 4-updated record
Deleting Record
Tell SQLite which table to delete from (albums) and which records to
delete using the WHERE clause
Figure 5-deleting value
Figure 6-deleted value
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