Starting Weka
Start weka by double click on weka.jar file or finding it in the launcher program.
Window named "Weka GUI chooser" appears on the screen. This window let you choose one of the five options from these i.e Explorer,Experimenter,Knowledge Flow,Workbench,Simple CLI . However if you are using older version of weka (i am using 3.8) ,then you will find only 4 options. It means Workbench is new to the version. lets talk about these options available to us in brief and i will tell you for what purposes are we using this.
Window named "Weka GUI chooser" appears on the screen. This window let you choose one of the five options from these i.e Explorer,Experimenter,Knowledge Flow,Workbench,Simple CLI . However if you are using older version of weka (i am using 3.8) ,then you will find only 4 options. It means Workbench is new to the version. lets talk about these options available to us in brief and i will tell you for what purposes are we using this.
- Simple CLI provides a simple command line interface where user writes a command lets say to perform a classifier algorithm and CLI will directly execute the Weka command through CLI only.
- Explorer is an environment for exploring data. Explorer is where you play around with data.
- Weka Experimenter is the interface for designing&running experiment with your selected algorithm and data sets and allowing you to consider and compare the result. The tools used for comparing the results are very powerful.
- Knowledge Flow interface allows you to graphically design the machine learning process and run the design that you create.These process includes the loading and transforming of input data.
- Workbench interface is the combination of the all of the GUI interfaces into single one. lets say working at two interfaces at the same time then we find easy to work on workbench.
All of my lab sessions at my college are more inclined towards Weka explorer. From next blog onwards we will discuss about Explorer.
Launch Explorer
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