
Case study of Library Management System

                PRACTICAL 9: Case study of Library Management System EXISTING SYSTEM ·          Existing Management system is not computerized. It takes a lot of time and effort to search book manually and issue them. ·          Files and ticket can be destroyed by human error or can be misplaced or can be lost by human error. ·          Space is consumed for document / receipt. ·          Unavailability of books on high Demand. ·          Student’s issue history if difficult to track. ·          Manual Cash collection of fine payment. PROPOSED SYSTEM ·          Record are easy to maintain using computerized system. ·      ...

Login into Gmail Account Using Web Driver

PRACTICAL 7: Login into Gmail Account Using Web Driver In the previous post, we had discussed about the installation of Java, and configuration of Eclipse with selenium WebDriver. Now here, we will be creating a small Java script in which we will be doing automated login and logout of Gmail Account. We will be following steps: - 1.       Importing all the essential libraries. 2.       Initialize Chrome Driver 3.       Open Gmail using get( ) function 4.       Find Placeholder Element using findElement( ) function 5.       Send keys to placeholder using sendkeys( ) function 6.       Repeat the steps 4&5 for entering password 7.       Press Submit Button

Tutorial 4

Question 1 - What is Apache spark? why spark has come into existence? brief architecture of Apache                              Spark Answer 1 -  Apache Spark is a lightning-fast cluster computing technology, designed for fast computation. It is based on Hadoop MapReduce and it extends the MapReduce model to efficiently use it for more types of computations, which includes interactive queries and stream processing. The main feature of Spark is its  in-memory cluster computing  that increases the processing speed of an application. Major issues with  Apache Hadoop . 1. Issue with Small Files 2. It has Slow Processing Speed 3. Only support for Batch Processing only 4. There is no support for Real-time Data Processing To overcome all these issues, Apache Spark comes into the picture . one more reason behind Evolution of Apache Spark is that there were many general purpose computin...

Linear programming

CRUD Operation in MongoDB

PRACTICAL 5(a): CRUD Operation in MongoDB Using Command Line Interface (CLI) In our previous practical we came across how to 'Install, Setup and Run MongoDB in Windows'. In this particular session we we’ll see basic crud operation using Mongo Shell commands We will discuss how to create a database in MongoDB, how to create a table in MongoDb, how to insert data in a MongoDB Collection and how to update and delete data from MongoDB table(Collection) ·          Start MongoDB Shell from Command Line Start MongoDB shell with 'mongod' command, you will see following screen as shown below. ·          Create connection in MongoDB Open an another instance of command prompt and connect MongoDB by supplying 'mongo' command, you will see following screen ready to work in Mongo. ·          Show all Databases in MongoDB To see all existing database in Mong...