
Showing posts from August, 2017

Loading and Understanding the Data

NOTE:- The sample data used in this exercise  is the"bank data" available in CSV format.You can find the data from here ⮞ bank-data  . The data contained the following fields. In this example,we load the data set into WEKA and perform a series of operations using Weka's preprocessing filters in upcoming blogs. A point to be noted here is that all these operations can be performed from the command line,we use the GUI interface for Weka Explorer. Initially in the preprocessing tab click "open" and search to the directory containing the data file (.csv or .arff). In this case open the above data file. Once the data is loaded,Weka will recognise the attributes and during the scan of data the software will compute some of the basics statistics on each attribute.                                                           ...

Data Preprocessing in Weka

At the very basic level the important thing while doing data science is preparing data on which we will be working on . The whole thing of machine learning,AI stands on data. so its our very first duty to prepare the data. The process of preparing the data is called data Preprocessing. in our daily life we deals in the data available  or made in spreadsheet or .xls format but the weka or other machine learning software deals with .CSV format or ARFF formats . CSV is the short abbreviation of Comma Separated Value.  In CSV file format the  tabular fashioned data is stored in the form of plain text in which each line of the file is record consisting more then 2 field separated by Comma. You can find more on CSV  and ARFF . I have been doing lot of file conversion for my project and lab work and YEAH frankly speaking these file conversions are most easy and interesting thing(you will definitely feel boring initially ),but the fact is that you really need to...

Starting Weka

Start weka by double click on weka.jar file or finding it in the launcher program. Window named "Weka GUI chooser" appears on the screen. This window let you choose one of the five options from these i.e Explorer,Experimenter,Knowledge Flow,Workbench,Simple CLI  . However if you are using older version of weka (i am using 3.8) ,then you will find only 4 options. It means Workbench is new to the version. lets talk about these options available to us in brief and i will tell you for what purposes are we using this. Simple CLI provides a simple command line interface where user writes a command lets say to perform a classifier algorithm and CLI will directly execute the Weka command through CLI only.   Explorer is an environment for exploring data. Explorer is where you play around with data. Weka Experimenter is the interface for designing&running experiment with your selected algorithm and data sets and allowing you to consider and compare the result. The too...

Introduction to Weka

Weka is the data mining system software developed by the University of Waikato in New Zealand that implements various data mining algorithms. This is the open source software issued under the GNU General Public License. Weka is the collection of various machine learning algorithms used for data mining tasks.These algorithms are directly applied to the data sets or called from your own java code. All most all of the data mining task are done by Weka at the basic level such as data preprocessing , classification , regression , clustering ,association rules and also it contain the collection of visualisation tools and algorithms for predictive modelling. You can download the latest version of Weka from their official website

Weka Explorer

All of my writings in this Weka blog was transformed from the learning and practising at lab sessions while pursuing my BIA( Business Intelligence and its Applications ) course offered during the fall semester in my college . 1. Introduction   2. Starting Weka   3. Data Preprocessing in Weka 4. Loading & understanding data