
Showing posts from July, 2017

5 Regular Expressions that every web developer should know

The hardest part is taking in the linguistic structure and figuring out how to compose your own particular regex code sans preparation. To spare time, I have chosen 30 distinctive regex code pieces that you can use in your tasks. Furthermore, since regex is not constrained to a particular language, you can apply the accompanying sections in any technology from Javascript to PHP or Python. 1 Find a valid Base64 string in PHP <code class = "hljs language-JavaScript" > \?php[ \t]eval\(base64_decode\(\'(([A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*([A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==)?){1}\'\)\)\; </code> In case you're a PHP engineer, at that point here and there you can break down through the code to discover objects Base64 encoded double (eg looking shell covered up in a PHP). This regex fragments can apply to all PHP code and will look at any of the current Base64 string. 2 Get Domain Name from URL <code class = "hljs language-JavaScript" > /https...

Self-taught artificial intelligence beats doctors at predicting heart attacks

                                     Doctors have lots of tools for predicting a patient’s health. But—as even they will tell you—they’re no match for the complexity of the human body. Heart attacks in particular are hard to anticipate. Now, scientists have shown that computers capable of teaching themselves can perform even better than standard medical guidelines, significantly increasing prediction rates. If implemented, the new method could save thousands or even millions of lives a year.  “I can’t stress enough how important it is,” says Elsie Ross, a vascular surgeon at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, who was not involved with the work, “and how much I really hope that doctors start to embrace the use of artificial intelligence to assist us in care of patients.” Each year, nearly 20 million people die from the effects of cardiovascular disease, including heart...

New AI research makes it easier to create fake footage of someone speaking

The latest example of AI’s audiovisual magic comes from the University of Washington, where researchers have created a new tool that takes audio files, converts them into realistic mouth movements, and then  grafts those movements onto existing video . The end-result is a video of someone saying something they didn’t. Users could collect footage of themselves speaking, use to train the software, and then when they need to talk to someone, video on their side would be generated automatically using just their voice. This would help in situations where someone’s internet connection is shaky, or if they’re trying to save mobile data. Want to know more about this? Read at:

Starter Pack for learning Data Science

Along these lines, you need to end up noticeably an information researcher or might be you are now one and need to extend your device vault. You have arrived at the opportune place. The point of this page is to give a complete learning way to individuals new to python for information examination. This way gives a thorough diagram of steps you have to figure out how to utilize Python for information investigation. On the off chance that you as of now have some foundation, or needn't bother with every one of the segments, don't hesitate to adjust your own ways and let us know how you rolled out improvements in the way.  Step 0: Warming up Before starting your journey, the first question to answer is: Why use Python? or How would Python be useful? Watch the first 30 minutes of this  talk from Jeremy , Founder of DataRobot at PyCon 2014, Ukraine to get an idea of how useful Python could be. Step 1: Setting up your machine Now that you have decided, the time has c...