5 Regular Expressions that every web developer should know
The hardest part is taking in the linguistic structure and figuring out how to compose your own particular regex code sans preparation. To spare time, I have chosen 30 distinctive regex code pieces that you can use in your tasks. Furthermore, since regex is not constrained to a particular language, you can apply the accompanying sections in any technology from Javascript to PHP or Python. 1 Find a valid Base64 string in PHP <code class = "hljs language-JavaScript" > \?php[ \t]eval\(base64_decode\(\'(([A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*([A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==)?){1}\'\)\)\; </code> In case you're a PHP engineer, at that point here and there you can break down through the code to discover objects Base64 encoded double (eg looking shell covered up in a PHP). This regex fragments can apply to all PHP code and will look at any of the current Base64 string. 2 Get Domain Name from URL <code class = "hljs language-JavaScript" > /https...